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Hypnobirthing Antenatal with Sophie Brooke

"When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth will change" Marie Mongan

"Your classes gave us the powerful mindset as a couple but also individually to work on what we needed to, to make it this beautiful experience"

What is Hypnobirthing?

​Many women have fears and anxieties around giving birth, too often associating it with excruciating pain, thereby causing their bodies to become unable to perform what should be a normal physiological function. Using relaxation, mindfulness and self hypnosis tools you will learn how to keep your mind and body in the 'calm zone' (the medical term is your parasympathetic nervous system). This is key during labour! You see when the body is fearful it flicks into what is known as 'fight/flight' mode, your heartrate goes up, your oxygenated blood moves to your arms and legs and lungs because it thinks you are running away from the tiger...but there is no tiger and you are in labour so the uterus, your cervix and your baby need that oxygenated blood to do their job. By having the tools to stay in the calm zone your body can perform at it's peak and birth your baby how it's designed to. 


Hypnobirthing techniques can be used by anyone, any time, anywhere (they are very useful for becoming a calmer parent too). The success rate of empowered confident birthing using these techniques is phenomenal.  Your body is designed to birth, your baby knows how to birth, you can do it! You just have to believe in it. Whether you have fears or anxieties about birth or you like to make sure you've done the most you can to prepare in life, you will love the classes and benefit greatly.  


Hypnobirthing is based on the philosophy that childbirth is normal, natural and healthy and therefore can be achieved without (unnecessary) intervention, fear, or severe pain.  It teaches mothers (and partners) techniques in deep relaxation, self hypnosis, breathing, visualisation, mindfulness, along with affirmations to be used throughout birth, it teaches you how your body actually works, about the mind body connection...invaluable information when going into parenthood. When a woman is properly prepared and trusts her birthing body she can achieve a calmer, gentler, more positive already have everything within you!


The course is a full antenatal course, and along with all coming away from the course feeling, positive, calm and confident you will also have the knowledge on how to handle special circumstances that might arise during pregnancy and labour; sometimes births have twists and turns and might take a slightly different path to what you might have 'planned' but you and your birth partner will be prepared, calm, able and ready to make informed decisions all the way.  You will have confidence in your partnership and your birthing body.  The information and preparation you learn in Hypnobirthing classes is invaluable.  

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What you will learn & why...

Many skills to use during birth & life in general: 


  • Relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques to eliminate the fear and tension that cause long labour and unnecessary levels of pain, replacing them with confidence, calm and comfort.

  • Special breathing techniques for relaxation, labour and birth.

  • Visualisation to produce a shorter, more comfortable labour.

  • Mindfulness techniques to maximise your ability to stay focussed, calm and feeling in control.

  • Birthing Affirmations to build confidence and to help you look forward to giving birth.

  • Massage to release endorphins.

  • Fear Release to overcome any concerns you may have about giving birth and parenting.

  • To build confidence and trust in yourself and how to listen to and work with your baby and your body.

  • How the mother’s body is designed to work in neuromuscular harmony with nature throughout labour.

  • To practice deep relaxation during and between uterine surges.

  • The importance of prenatal and perinatal bonding.

What is a Positive Birth...?

Do you want a birth experience:   


  • Where you have the skills to work with it and through it?

  • Where you feel calm and confident?

  • A birth free of fear?

  • A birth where you feel safe and supported?

  • A birth where you and your partner feel empowered to make the right choices for you and baby.?

  • Where you know what questions to ask?

  • A birth that you can look back on and know that you did the best that you knew how to at the time?

If you have answered YES to one or more of these, then you’re in the right place


Having a positive birth experience does not necessarily mean it was exactly as you imagined, or planned. It may involve twists, turns and a few challenges along the way. Having skills and knowledge and support...all of those things above are what are important to ensure you come away from your experience feeling good about it. You've got this!

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